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771 highlight videos and 660 full game videos gathered from the internet about the past 5,862 Iowa Hawkeye football (since 1889) and basketball (since 1901) games. We also have profiles for 1744 players and 72 coaches.

8/31/2024 Football vs  Illinois State

9/7/2024 Football vs  Iowa State

9/14/2024 Football vs  Troy

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 2023-2024 FB Record: 10 - 4

 2023-2024 MBB Record: 19 - 15

 2023-2024 WBB Record: 34 - 5

Highlights: Full Game: Signature Win: Painful Loss: Result: Location: OT:     clear

All games below were played at Iowa Armory #1 in Iowa City, Iowa.
Notes about this facility: The first Armory was at the site of the current Adler Journalism and Mass Communication Building currently sits, north of the current Main Library, and east of the old Iowa Field. It was also called the Armory and Athletic Pavilion, and later referred to as the "Old Armory" when the 2nd one was constructed.
City/State: Iowa City, Iowa
Timeframe: 1905-1922

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Hawkeye Recap | Basketball - Summary of Iowa football and basketball games